
< The Conjuring 3 詭屋驚凶實錄3> 拍攝完畢,Patrick Wilson:感覺非常不同

<The Conjuring 3詭屋驚凶實錄3> 拍攝完畢,Patrick Wilson:感覺非常不同

第三集將會在2020年9月全球上映,不過導演不再是溫子仁而是另一位導演 Michael Chaves執導。溫子仁開始了 Conjuring的宇宙後便退隱監製一職。之後的作品口碑都只是一般,今次再次找來這位導演 更令粉絲非常擔心因為他的上一套作品就是 評價差劣 <哭泣的女詭The Curse of La Llorona>。

宇宙主幹電影Conjuring轉換了導演就連主角之一 Patrick Wilson都表示電影和之前的兩集大有不同。 雖然第三集的故事仍然保密,但相信故事仍然會環繞著他與妻子 <Vera Farmiga飾演Warren> 夫婦解決超自然現象的旅程,全部都是改編自真實故事。 Patrick Wilson在最近的一次訪問中形容今集 感覺與頭兩集感覺截然不同,雖然同樣骨幹但會發掘之前未曾接觸過的方向。Patrick Wilson亦指出他對繼續飾演角色感到興奮及認為這個系列的發展耐人尋味,希望觀眾們會喜歡。
"Overall, fantastic. I knew going into it that James had a real strong hand in the story and script, and I talked to him a lot about it. Then, once I met [director] Michael Chaves, his energy, his skillset and his passion for it was really infectious. I knew that he was gonna take the reins, both with great respect, but still as its own passion. The process was fantastic, and it's a much different feel. It's still the same bones; it's still very much Ed and Lorraine. Again, we are pushing our characters to places they haven't gone, but the film will be a really nice addition because it's definitely a different beast. Pun intended."
"It was exciting; it was really, really exciting. Because of the spinoffs, when you come back to the flagship movies, I want to feel like, 'OK, now we're back in the Conjuring world.' There's a different weight to those movies just in scope alone, budget, time to shoot it and all that stuff. It's got great producers, and honestly, a super happy and supportive studio. So it's a lot of positivity even though you're dealing with a lot of negative demons. I can't wait." 
Conjuring的宇宙電影在全球票房已超過19億美元。縱使宇宙的外傳作品口碑每況愈下,票房仍然站得穩。所以這個系列仍然有一定的商業價值,不過希望溫子仁和他的團隊 注意得到作品的不濟並重回正軌。如果唔係就會不斷流失 粉絲數量。

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